Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Don't Mind That Deadly Cyclone

The "Global War on Terror" rages, and the process of "innocent until proven guilty" is being reversed. Focus on that, not the potential 50,000 deaths from the cyclone that just hit Burma. That is what our "leaders" would like us to do. One thing is for sure: if anything, they will turn this into an opportunity to grandstand on how much cash they can throw at this problem.

Another thing: there may end up being a brand new tourist resort where those people died if the real estate is good enough.

See also infowarsnews.


Anonymous said...

I think that you are very correct. There are so many things that we could be doing to save the world including getting rid of our dependency on fossil fuels.

Jersey Lou said...


Thank you for commenting!

One of the primary driving forces behind the damage done by big business is their collusion with big government. When businesses do not have the force of government to guarantee a bailout, much fewer bad decisions are made. That is how it would be in a free and just society. The incentive to deal fairly with one's customers and look out for their best interest prevails.