All of the turmoil that takes place on our planet is caused by selfishness. Think about it. Staged wars and economic oppression--tools of especially evil men--are all due to the narcissistic characteristics that dominate these individuals. They are sociopaths in the sense that they cannot intermingle with humanity in general for fear of losing control.
I have discovered something today. Each and every one of us possess within us immense power; so much so that one man is sufficient to stop the momentum of the most powerful enemy of humanity. Perhaps those who wish to dehumanize us realize this, and know they are walking on thin ice. Or perhaps they are dumbed down themselves from the worldly and selfish wisdom they have acquired, not even sensing their impending doom.
God exists. Anyone with common sense can just look at nature and it should be obvious that everything is intelligently designed. Think of the delicate balance, in relation to outer space as we know it, of the environment of Earth that allows us to live. Without laws consciously set in place this would not be possible.
To defeat the enemy we must recognize the existence of the Supreme Being. He (I choose to identify God with that term) is the only one able to effect our situation enough to turn the tide. Yet, I believe that He desires the immense power that humans possess be given to him willingly; and I believe that with this power He is able to use His servants as tools to defeat the enemy and transform the world. I pray that I be used in such a way.
I challenge the claim that selfishness is the cause of all humanity's turmoil. I would argue that many genocides and atrocities are commanded by politicians or generals who genuinely believe that they are helping the state/nation/ethnic group that they think they owe allegiance to. Though the true motivations of the leaders can, and should always be questioned, the soldiers on the ground often have the greater good in mind (I don't have to invoke Godwin's law here though it could help). I claim that altruism, is certainly not inherently flawed, but if misguided can lead to violence and strife.
I consider myself a non-religious person, but am intrigued by theology and religion. I'm not sure on whether to interpret your post as postulating God as a being of infinite power, or as a being of immense power that is concentrated in the hands of a single consciousness. Can you elaborate on your conception of God, and how much He intervenes in the course of human events?
While such "misleaders" may superficially allege their selflessness in committing crimes against humanity, we should be able to see right through it. Love, which is the underlying principle that drives the advancement of humanity, is obviously not present in the heart of such a man or woman. Often, "misleaders" disguise malevolent intentions with nice sounding words, which may explain the confusion when the outcome ends up death and destruction. For example, many of the U.S. soldiers in Iraq now have become disillusioned as to their true purpose there--and it is showing in the condition of their morale.
The lies of the Bush administration was not enough to keep the wool over their eyes. Many are waking up to the truth.
I personally believe that there must be a balance between service to humanity and service to one's self. Neither can demand all of one's attention, or the other will suffer. But we must understand that, on a universal level, nothing is really "ours" in the worldly sense. It is a paradox, but one that must be embraced for us to begin making real progress.
I am also non-religious, but I love love and truth and all things that are good. I want to see my fellow man uplifted, for I know that in his upliftment I also benefit. And my fellow man should feel the same about me.
God, to me, is a universal conscious force. Earth, all its creatures, and man's dominion over it are a microcosm of God's superior position over his creation. We are stewards placed here to make this world as perfect as we can. Man is a conduit of God to bring his kingdom to fruition here on Earth.
I do not believe his kingdom is embodied by any particular religion or institutional doctrine. It is embodied by very simple, child-like principles that anyone can understand. The Golden Rule is a pretty adequate summation of the level of consciousness necessary for us to understand the basis of the kingdom. I believe that God acts through men (and women) who are worthy of such use to implement that kingdom.
In response to your first paragraph: What about the responsibility of the peons, soldiers, and enforcers on the ground? Can we blame the activists in favor of foreign interventionism, the drug war, etc. with acting too selfishly? I think this is a matter of misinformation, mind control, and perhaps "slave morality" more than a lack of altruism.
It's important that we as libertarians (as a crude lump term for liberty-minded individuals) recognize that it's very possible to hurt people by trying to help them. This is an important dynamic of government that must be recognized. No matter what the "misleaders" believe, the activists believe they're doing the right thing by advocating the occupation of Somalia or hypothetically Darfur, the drug war, nationalized healthcare, etc.
I don't think it's fair in abstract, nor is it effective rhetoric to deny the responsibility and the altruism of activists and ideologues, even if they support violence and theft that you and I do not.
Stay free,
Those who unwittingly adopt and advocate the policies of the misleaders may not be blamed (to an extent). Yet we all, to some degree, are to blame for the condition the world is in. I would not go as far, however, as to say that those on the ground are as much to blame as those in the "ivory towers." It is an ugly position to be in.
I agree with your assessment that sometimes we can hurt people by trying to help them. But really it is those who refuse to consider new viewpoints that are hurting themselves. Having a closed mind is one of the worst handicaps one can possess.
I do not deny the altruism or responsibility of those who are "useful idiots" to the enemies of humanity. I am, however, placing due blame according to degree of power: those who run the global control grid are that much more responsible for the damage done than those they command. I agree, there may be those among the minions who know what they are really doing and enjoy it--but I submit that they are few and far in between.
I believe that if one is seeking the truth, not just a satisfactory imitation of it, it will be found by that one. Some people are content to hold a lie, reassured by others around them that it is real truth they possess.
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Intresting stuff ya got here, I will definitly come back! :) my spelling is horrible!
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Saw a comment of yours on infowars and thought I'd check this out. Keep spreadin' the truth!
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wow interesting subject.
Any more coming??
Jackie xx
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