Saturday, June 21, 2008

Nothing Is Ours; All Is God's

All of the turmoil that takes place on our planet is caused by selfishness. Think about it. Staged wars and economic oppression--tools of especially evil men--are all due to the narcissistic characteristics that dominate these individuals. They are sociopaths in the sense that they cannot intermingle with humanity in general for fear of losing control.

I have discovered something today. Each and every one of us possess within us immense power; so much so that one man is sufficient to stop the momentum of the most powerful enemy of humanity. Perhaps those who wish to dehumanize us realize this, and know they are walking on thin ice. Or perhaps they are dumbed down themselves from the worldly and selfish wisdom they have acquired, not even sensing their impending doom.

God exists. Anyone with common sense can just look at nature and it should be obvious that everything is intelligently designed. Think of the delicate balance, in relation to outer space as we know it, of the environment of Earth that allows us to live. Without laws consciously set in place this would not be possible.

To defeat the enemy we must recognize the existence of the Supreme Being. He (I choose to identify God with that term) is the only one able to effect our situation enough to turn the tide. Yet, I believe that He desires the immense power that humans possess be given to him willingly; and I believe that with this power He is able to use His servants as tools to defeat the enemy and transform the world. I pray that I be used in such a way.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Go Sabrin!

I just had the pleasure of voting for Murray Sabrin for U.S. Senate. In my state, and especially in my neighborhood, Republicans are hard to come by. I guess that explains why the poll workers acted so strangely when they discovered my party affiliation. It's okay--I am used to it.

And I guess an informed Republican is even harder to come by. At least that is how it seems by the numbers who voted for McCain in the Presidential primaries to date. I just feel fortunate that I came across the information I now know. It is my dream to be able to bring that message to others who may still be ignorant to what is going on.

I just checked the vote returns and it looks like Lautenberg is leading on the Democrat side and Zimmer on the Republican. I must admit I am disappointed by how stupid it appears New Jerseyans have become (and Americans in general). Even Pennacchio, with the speech impediment, is leading Sabrin. But I do not blame the people--how can they be blamed when their very source of information is tainted?

I hope one day the people will be truly free and prosperous.